Tag: French Quarter
The house gained fame after the family had some local mafia members murdered on the back gallery. After falling into disrepair for a number of years, it was purchased in 1926 by New Orleans architect, General Allison Owen. A group of local women established Beauregard House Inc. to prevent the house from being turned into a macaroni factory and convinced Gen. Owen to preserve the house as a memorial for Gen. Beauregard. How fitting that Owen’s father, William Miler, was one of the founders of the Louisiana Historical Association.

As an #urbanophile born in Southern Louisiana, it’s easy to assume I have a great love for the #BigEasy, “Nawlins” as they call it. My love only grew deeper after taking Louisiana History at uni. Any chance I can get to go walk the old town feel of the French Quarter, the Vieux Carré as it’s called, I take it. History runs deep through the old streets and historic structures that still exist and operate today. Locals, Cajuns, and many other Louisianians alike believe that much of New Orleans is haunted, that spirits still roam the streets today. After all, the infamous voodoo priestess Marie LaVeau practiced her dark magic in New Orleans during the 1800s and is now buried in St. Louis Cemetery.